Many of the students that TEAMS provides services to are at or below the poverty level and struggle with basic day-to-day needs, at the same time TEAMS also provided supports to families that have been well educated with stable lifestyles, no matter the economic situation there is nothing that can prepare you for knowing how to navigate the education system, as well as other much-needed supports that are available in their community. What TEAMS provide is not just education advocacy we help link families to other supports they may benefit from. TEAMS offers hope and understanding to families who are tired of having to fight for the basic rights that many people take for granted. TEAMS attends all school-related meetings, and education-related court hearings. Most of the families TEAMS serves are not involved in the court system, this is because TEAMS has been able to help reduce the number of students that are involved in the juvenile court and has now shifted its focus to being a more preventive program. TEAMS helps to increase the number of students completing their education. By doing this they can become productive, contributing citizens helping to better build a foundation for their community. TEAMS has helped countless students complete their education and have helped many others transition to a secondary education at our local colleges with supports for them to be successful. Many of these students were going to drop out without any options of completed any education.